*This will continue to be updated


Nest Invitational Tournament Schedule:


Thursday, Nov. 5th:

-Competition Heats Up! 


Pairings Party (6:00 - 9:00 pm)

Join us at your leisure to check-in, get your tee gift (participation award), and meet & greet with fellow competitors. 

Team Reveal (7:30 pm)

NLU will be revealing the eight different teams that will be competing together and against each other for that NIT trophy! (see the format tab for more details)


- Taco's, Chips & Salsa, etc will be provided

- Thursday's bar will be a cash bar for alcohol



Friday, Nov. 6th:

- Competition Begins!


Breakfast, Warmup, Announcements (7:00 - 8:00 am)

-Served on the patio of the clubhouse


Round 1 - Shotgun Start - 18 holes (8:15 am)

-Walking is encouraged, however, if you need or would like a cart, that is totally fine. Please just let us know ahead of time.


Lunch (12:30 pm)

-This lunch will have a quick turnaround time to be mindful of sunset at 5:33 pm! 


Round 2 - Shotgun Start - 18 holes (1:15 pm) 


Event (5:30 - 10:00 pm)

-Tailgate Themed Dinner

-Closest to the pin contest 

-Group photos

-Wine Share (DM @Hala-Mark-Rey for questions)


Saturday, Nov. 7th:

- Competition is HOT!


Breakfast, Warmup, Announcements (7:00 - 8:00 am)

Picked up outside the clubhouse


Round 1 - Shotgun Start - Final Guaranteed 18 holes (8:15 am)

See the format tab for more info


Lunch (12:30 pm)

Served under the tent

Awards (1:00 pm)

Overall Team (12 people)

Overall Within Team (8 people)


Championship Round - 8 team winners - 18 holes (1:30 pm) 


During the Championship Round, a few (optional) events will take place:

A.) Compete in Cross Country event (brought to you by the TC way) 

B.) Grab a drink and follow the 8 team winners as they compete for the title

C.) Take part in the pari-mutuel betting  


Event (5:30 - 10:00 pm)


Champions Awarded

Wine Share w/ @Hala-Mark-Rey

Other fun


Sunday, Nov. 8th:

Depart at your leisure